We began this week by discussing different types mindsets. There are two types of mindsets that we can have: a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Our mindsets play a powerful role in who we are and in who we can become, and they affect every aspect in our life. In the video titled, "Growth mindset introduction", it explained two of the main areas that our mindset can impact. These were in academics and in athletics. The video gave the example of Lebron James and how he looks at every game with a mindset of how can I get better and improve my team. This saying is exactly what the growth mindset is all about; it is about learning from mistakes and using them in order to improve. In my own life I chose to use this mindset in high school football. I was one of the smallest linemen on my team as a freshman and definitely one of the weakest. I had the choice to either quit trying and remain as weak and bad as I was, or I could get to work and push myself to become the best version of myself possible. I chose to push myself because ultimately I knew that my effort would take me a long way, and I was right; by the time i graduated, I was in the top five strongest people in my school. I was able to understand that skills can be built and that becoming the best is all about a process. That is one example of how the growth mindset works to our advantage, but academics follow the same pattern. When we realize that we aren't the best in a subject or area then we have to decide to keep trying and to not worry about failing because it is through these failures that we can actually learn the most.
We also talked about academic integrity this week, and I found all of the stories told about cheating very interesting. Honestly, it is just sad that this is a problem we have to deal with because it shows just how little people actually value their education. Why would anyone pay to go to college if they aren't actually gaining any knowledge related to their future careers? To me it just seems like common sense that you would want to grow and learn on your own, so you don't waste all of the money spent to go to college. However, it is a big problem in our society, and nearly everyone had a personal story of someone who has cheated. The academic integrity case studies were interesting to look at as well and to evaluate if the cases were actually cheating or not. Case study #5 caught the attention of Matthew and me. It was a difficult one to evaluate because the teacher had said they could work together, but he said they must turn in their own work. We decided that in this situation it was very likely that the students were cheating because they had identical answers on the assignment. Matthew said that it would have been completely fine if they had just changed their answers slightly, and I agree with him, but since they did not it was cheating. Looking at situations like these really just showed me how these issues are a common occurrence. However, in my opinion this should not be an issue to college students who are in college to obtain knowledge.
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