This week we focused on discussing the controversial speech and topics from Jennine Capó Crucet in order to bring unity and understanding to everyone in the class. At the beginning of the week I was feeling as if the speech was made in order to bring down white people by speaking with negative tones and words. However, through the class discussions I began to see the speech with a different set of eyes which helps me to understand the perspectives of others.
We started class on Monday by answering some questions anonymously. The information given by the class showed that the majority of people in the class had felt uncomfortable at some point throughout the speech. I think this was interesting since the author should have been there in order to encourage growth and unity within our school. Anyways when I see some of the reasons we were uncomfortable I realize why we were so frustrated in the speech. Most of the feelings came from the discussion about race and privilege. Therefore, I want to discuss the things I learned throughout the week in this area.
Prior to this week I never truly understood what the meaning behind the term "white privilege" meant. I just thought it was a term created by others in order to cause controversy between people. However, I have learned that white privilege is real and it is common among our society today. The article 11 Ways White America Avoids Taking Responsibility for its' Racism, explained this in more detail by discussing some of the ways white privilege can be shown and it explained why it is is so hard to recognize the problem. White people often don't recognize the issue because they do not like to be confronted by others when they are wrong. Confrontation can often lead to anger and outrage by people because they don't see themselves as racist. The article showed that racism is rarely intentional but it is usually done unconsciously. Therefore, this confrontation is needed in order to improve the situation and make it better!
I also learned more about white privilege by listening to other's experiences and thoughts. Dra. McGrath shared her story of when she walked into a store holding her friends baby of a different color and was treated differently because of it. Then the class discussed how white males do not have to worry about walking outside late at night but black females especially have to think about it before they go outside. These two stories shed some light onto what white privilege is because its the fact that as white people we are not as generalized with the entire group, but we can be more individual. It was also sad to hear how worried and emotional Ebeni was to talk about her brothers. All three of these conversations touched me and made me want to help others who have a closed mindset on this matter to open up and expand their minds and hearts.
Overall, this week was good because it provided a safe place for us to talk and learn about the ways we can grow closer to each other as a University, nation, and a world!
JD I agree with you that confrontation is needed! Also, I agree with you that the emotional conversations on Wednesday touched you; they touched me also. Thank you for sharing!