Friday, August 30, 2019

Time Management

Image result for time managementThis week we discussed two main topics. Monday we were introduced to the requirements for the Honor's program. This class was very informational, and it taught me that Freshmen are required to log over 25 hours of community service throughout the year. I had previously thought we could do different things that would count towards our service requirement. However, it was good to learn because 25 hours of service isn't really as much as it seems, and when I get involved that time will fly by. They mentioned several examples of organizations that we can volunteer in, but one that I really enjoy working at is the local soup kitchen. I am from this area and it has always been a blessing to be able to see how you can make a difference in someone's life! On Wednesday, we focused on time management. This showed us just how important it can be to plan our time and activities according to what is most important. For me this means that I will prioritize school, work and Bible studies over some of the other clubs and interests I have because these are the most important three to me right now. One of the activities that made me focus on what is most important to me was the money activity. If you had $86,400 to spend in a day, how would you spend it? I eventually realized this was the amount of seconds in a day, and it made me think how do I want to spend my time? It was a very good activity because it caused me to reflect over what I am prioritizing. Taylor made the comment on how we need to remember to eat. While I will never forget to eat, there are other things that I need more of to be healthier such as sleep and exercise. Georgia Southern's time management website was also beneficial for deciding what to spend my time on. They talked about three things to take into consideration when choosing what to do. They were goals, plans, and action. What are my goals in college? It showed me to reflect on what I want to get out of my time here on campus. Next, it showed that I need to plan to participate in activities, clubs, and events that will bring me closer to meeting my goals. Lastly, it showed me that I am in charge of myself and my choices so I need to go for my goals and put my plans to action. Overall, this weeks lesson on time management was very helpful to how I look at my time!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Week 1: Campus Engagement

This week we learned about the different ways we can get involved on our college campus. We came up with several different ways including attending sporting events, playing intramural sports, taking advantage of the campus resources, and getting a part time job. These are all good ways to get involved during our freshman year. On Wednesday, we watched a video by Jullien Gordon about the importance of college involvement and what to look for in our time in college. One quote made by him said, " We are spending $1.00 per minute of college. Then he also said we are paying for more than just education but also for an experience. That went along perfectly with the theme of community involvement, and it led us to a discussion about the importance of college. If we are spending this much money to attend college, how can we make the most of it? One way is to make relationships with others so you can create a social net worth through networking with others. We also discussed this question. Is college for everyone? We decided that no it is not for everyone, but at the same time it is very important for some careers such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers. This week of school showed me the importance of engaging rather than just attending college. I plan on taking this information and applying it by looking for an organization to join. I have already gotten involved in CRU which is a Christian organization on campus, but I am going to look for more to join. I am also going to think about joining some intramural teams as well. I am excited to see the many things I can become a part of in my first year at college!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hey my name is John Daniel Collins but you can call me JD. I am from Brooklet GA which is right outside of Statesboro. Iam interested in most all sports but my favorite is football. I played it all throughout my childhood, and it was a big part of my life throughout highschool. I am looking forward to attending the GSU football games and supporting the team! Currently my major is Secondary Education, but I am still deciding exactly what I want to pursue. I chose Georgia Southern because I was able to receive the most scholarship money here, and because it has a good school for education majors.